Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Continued technology and demand

CERN, ie CERN (not the SERN) of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) and its predecessor of the LEP (Large Electron-Positron Collider) large particle accelerator of research that, the development, the production, two of technology is large It has evolved. In other words, it is WEB (LEP during development) and grid computing (at the time of LHC development).

If you leave wrote a fine story, but LEP world of engineers who at the time of development I had to take communication, than to communicate by e-mail is not clear is Karachi, the mail is flying about than say, confusing situation in order to become, and integrated the information in one place, a number of scientists have been developed WEB to see at the same time.

In addition, because there was a need to handle the enormous processing at the time of LHC development, grid computing has evolved.
That is,
"The world of engineers must share information."
"I shall be information processed in parallel at many computers."
Demand is born at the time of the development of large particle accelerator that, I have "technology" in order to meet the demand has been developed.

The history of Japan, we are about to begin the largest project. In other words, Tokyo in 2027 - is the superconducting linear Shinkansen line between Nagoya (at the moment).
Linear Shinkansen, Shinagawa - in the area of ​​about 285 km between Nagoya, about 250 km, that is has become a plan to about 88% is in the tunnel. In other words, Japan biggest ever, though, is the civil engineering work of the largest in human history is now, it is about to begin.

Of course, it will be that many of the difficult Tachifusagaru. Still "a tunnel of more than 200 kilometers, if not must be carefully dug under the mountain range" what demand that is, and I'm sure to lead to Japan's infrastructure technology to the overwhelming level.

Demand is what, I bring technology development.

And, those that produce the demand will be in the "will" of human beings. It is not the money. What "mind that trying to accomplish" is, there is bring demand and technological development.

"<ILC> to set up a human resources ensure measures verification Working Group
Experts meeting of the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry on super-large accelerator "International Linear Collider (ILC)" plan is the 25th, at the 4th meeting was the ministry, a working group to verify the securing and development strategies of human resources required for the plan installation was.
In Working Group to consider and personnel required for the construction and operation of the facility, must become researchers in the future, and the outlook for engineers of securing and training. Open the first meeting in August, with the aim of reporting of the 2015 fiscal year.
Also we went intermediate compiled as experts meeting. And assess the possibility that the new particle other than the Higgs boson is found, such as clarification of the integrated outlook towards risk reduction of the cost increase, it was decided to recommend three items to the Ministry of Education. "

June 25, but experts conference on ILC plan was held, not reported at all national newspapers by way of example.
ILC project the decision of whether or not to perform in Japan, will eventually have been left to the (politicians rather than) the Japanese government. Currently bottlenecks, the two.

The first one is that there is no experience of promoting international project in the "Japan-led" in the past. Japan is able to produce results in the framework of international projects that other countries have made I good at, but that it has created a framework is the "no".

The main authority related to the ILC, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (because there is interaction with foreign), coordinated by's the Cabinet Office, but ministries and agencies work together "international project that it has created a framework of "the Japanese at least" after the war, "I do not even once.

And, second it is needless to say is "Ministry of Finance". Ministry of Finance is reluctant issued a budget by way of example, the story is there is no hard to move forward.

Currently, China is the fact that construction started after five years, and seeking to advance the project of circular particle accelerator of circumference 70 km. Because a circular accelerator, compared to the ILC linear, level falls. Moreover, Although it is stage that is not yet designed to be started, and Japan has been inefficient, particle accelerator of China will begin as "international project". Sonaruto, "including the Japanese" scientists around the world, engineers will become the situation to participate in the international project of the accelerator of China (is serious).

Now, as Japan has built the ILC, any derivative technology was born, do you want to develop, I do not know anyone at the moment. as However, the WEB and the grid was developed by CERN of LEP and LHC is I undeniably a fact of.

Japan is really, I think the ILC that procreation in human history maximum of electron energy can show the "construction to the will." In order to "Japan" shows the will, the Japanese people must know about the First ILC.

All in all, including the program of the channel cherry tree, I would want to continue the well-known of the ILC to the Japanese people. As our country is national, indicates "will" of the ILC construction, until that day.

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